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To access Tab Copy options, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the Tab Copy extension icon extension iconextension icon in the browser toolbar, then click Options

  • Click the Options icon in the upper-left corner of the Tab Copy popup

This will open the Tab Copy options page in a new tab.

Keep format selector expanded

Checking this option keeps the format selector of the popup open, always showing all available formats.

This can be useful if you frequently switch between a small set of formats.

Show context menu

Selecting this option adds a Tab Copy item to the context menu of web pages.

When this option is checked, you can also choose whether to show a submenu for selecting a format instead of always using the default format.

Ignore pinned tabs

This option allows you to omit pinned tabs from the tabs that are copied.

Read more about tab filtering.

Notify on copy

When this option is checked, a toast notification appears after tabs are copied displaying information about what was copied.

Note that toast notifications require elevated permissions, so the browser may prompt you to grant Tab Copy the ability to show notifications when attempting to enable this option. If you deny this permission, this option will not get turned on.

Read more about notifications.

Invert icon color

Tab Copy tries to select a toolbar icon that maximizes visibility based on your browser theme.

In some rare cases, browser theme customizations may prevent Tab Copy from automatically selecting an appropriate icon color. If this is the case, check this box to select a more suitable color.

Keyboard shortcuts

Click the Edit keyboard shortcuts... button to open the browser's Keyboard shortcuts page.

Read more about keyboard shortcuts and how to edit them.

Copy buttons

Each button in the Tab Copy popup copies a particular range of tabs.

You can hide buttons you don't use by clicking the corresponding tile in the Copy buttons section of the options page.

Copy buttonsCopy buttons
Minimum visible buttons

At least 1 button must remain visible


The Formats section of the options page lists all built-in and custom formats.



Clicking a format's tile toggles its visibility in the app. When a format is hidden, it won't show up in the popup format selector or context menu.

Minimum visible formats

At least 3 formats must remain visible


To change the order of formats, drag and drop format tiles up or down to a new position.

This changes the order in which formats are displayed in the popup format selector and context menu.

Re-ordering also allows for the assignment of the default, secondary, and third formats. The top visible format, for example, is considered the default format. See Formats for more about format order.

Format options

Some formats have their own options. Those that do feature an options button on the right part of their tile. Clicking this button opens a dialog for editing the format's options.

Format optionsFormat options